Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Second Loan Payoff

I’ve spent the past couple weeks baking, shopping and decorating for Christmas. Next time I’m out, I would love to buy myself a Christmas present. Why do we have this theory in the first place? For corporations to get us to buy just one more gift, for credit card companies to have one more charge we can’t afford, or maybe for us to feel like the stress of the season was worth it. 

I recently bought myself new tires and brake pads. That sure is super fun. I wanted to splurge on a nice hair cut and style for Christmas Eve, but it conflicts with my brake installation. I’m glad I had to talk myself into being responsible, because I really can go to somewhere for a $10 Tuesday cut and be set to go. 
My “present to myself” will be paying off another student loan this month! The second zero on my spreadsheet will make me happier than (most) shoes. Even with my tires and brakes, I still want to get in my extra payoff this month. I know the next few loans will be tough. Each of them is about double what I have been paying off at a time. I’m not sure if I’m going to change my strategy, or if I’m going to just pay off chunks in a different way on the same intended loans. That will be decided later, but to know that I am one loan closer to not paying Great Lakes Higher Ed makes me that much more excited to see what 2016 will bring. 

Did you get yourself a gift? What are your hopes for 2016?

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