Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Another First Day

Monday I started my first “grown-up job.” Working for an HR company means that these people are really up on their new-hire game. I got about four emails with information about the first day. My friends and family are not too surprised that my favorite part of the whole thing was when they noted that attire is business casual. Finally my heels, blazers, dress pants, and blouses will be put to good use. My Facebook Memories reminded me of a quote from my mother about this time this year. She said, “Maggie, you’re too stylish to be unemployed.” Not only do I get to dress up, but it’s highly encouraged.

Coming from retail and summer jobs this position is definitely an upgrade. Probably the most normal part of the job is that which I am most appreciative. I can go to the bathroom whenever I want! (Not completely whenever, but obviously within reason.) I worked at a farm stand for a summer and it seemed like as soon as I would go to the nearest gas station someone would walk up to the stand. Same thing goes for working at a cosmetics counter. As soon as you make a bee-line for the restroom the customers all swarm. It’s like they all see it as an opportunity to shop without you there. 

I even have a real title now! I’m an Interview Specialist. Of course everyone inflates their title a little, but that is the legitimate one. No inflating with you guys. I’m excited to update my LinkedIn and get to networking in the real world. 

Also, I can actually go to events and mill around with other millennials. At lunch today I sat and ate my mac and cheese between conversations about Clueless and destination weddings. 

I’ve heard multiple times that millennials feel entitled and are difficult to work with. That we don’t know what hard work is. I will surely say that I know many many millennials who are not that stereotype at all. Multiple people I went to college alongside worked their butts off to try and get a job after college. Some took more internships and some went on to graduate school, but all of us are just trying to get ahead enough so we can pay off those student loans. 
So Gen-X, just give us a chance. We really are just excited to be here. 

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