Saturday, September 12, 2015

New Opportunities

After months of interviewing, resume sending, and LinkedIn scouting and I've finally landed an entry level job after college. This is living the (current) dream. 

How much did it really cost me to get a new job? Well, the interview suit(s) ran about $200, but they were a Christmas gift I got before leaving college. Definitely a motivator to stay the same size. The KateSpade black interview purse was a splurge before a big interview last summer. I got it at an outlet and used my granny's senior discount, so it was a smart investment. The black heels - Payless all day. I lucked out by having business in the same area, so it was reimbursed mostly. The networking that got me an "in" was approximately the cost of coffee a few years ago and being nice to someone in high school and college. 

I'm excited to start this new job. It's a position that isn't the greatest, but it's a way into an awesome company and career. Since said position isn't past entry level, I had to do a little negotiating for the hourly wage in order to make my budget work. That definitely is a positive to keeping a budget and knowing what you spend on average every month. It isn't close by, so my gas budget will be going up by a ton. 

Sometimes the gain isn't so much in the income category and more in the happiness category. That's my hope. I start at the end of the month, so I'm getting ready to be a bit messed up paycheck wise. Let's see how this all works out. 

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