Friday, January 8, 2016

Growing Your Income

Financial independence is centered around two main concepts. Reduce your expenses and grow your income. 
I’ve planned out my debt avalanche with the idea that I will be earning the same for the next seven years. I want to get my debt paid off in a significantly less amount of time. The best way to do that, is to make more than I am now. 
I want to keep advancing my career, and not only for the pay raise, but for the accomplishment and responsibility. I hope to keep working in the recruitment field for a long time. I’ve learned that it has innumerable amounts of opportunities and organizations to work with. I’m hoping to move up with my current company in about four months. At that point, they will offer classes that can help me move into a new role, but I have to position myself so that I will be eligible and favored for the program. 

So, the planning begins. I’ve learned so much about LinkedIn from sourcing for new candidates. I’m starting the overhaul process on my profile based off ideas and inspiration from other good profiles. A weird thing happened, my dad asked me for LinkedIn advice. I remember going into my university’s career center asking the same type of questions. I want to move into a mentor role, it just happens that my dad is one of my first. 

Here starts the “let’s make this a career” phase. I’m excited to see where this path leads. It will take being open minded and hard work, but hopefully in about a year I’ll have doubled my income. 

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