Sunday, May 8, 2016

Another Promotion

Last Friday was fantastic. I saw a free concert with my best friend, finally got drinks with a coworker, and received news of a promotion. I applied about a month ago for a new position on a different team. It's exactly what I've been doing, but now I will be getting paid for it.

I had an hour or so to kill between drinks with my coworker to celebrate and meeting my friend for the concert. I walked around a store and finally purchased an item I've been lusting after online. It's a business card holder. I thought it would be the perfect "I got a promotion" gift.

The Tiffany blue colored small gold box with an "M" on it is sitting in my room. I'm looking at it right now as I write this post. Now that I've taken it out and opened it up it's not as rewarding. I think I'll be returning it tomorrow. Always keep your receipts people!

I'm so proud that my company and coworkers like me and want me to grow within the company. I'm excited to keep moving forward, but I'm really not at the "business card" level yet. Maybe with the next promotion it will be a little more useful of a present.

The increase this time is a little more hefty than the last one. I don't plan to up my 401(k) contribution again. Instead, I will be adding more on my monthly payments to my PLUS loans. I'll see what the extra ends up being in my bi-weekly check and then add that directly to my payments. I also have considered going to a bi-monthly payment method for my PLUS loans. If I do that, then I will end up paying more, not feel it pinching my wallet, and get to updated my spreadsheet more often. Seeing that loan amount go down will be much more fulfilling than a shiny blue and gold object in my purse.

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