Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mid-Month Starvation

Now we have our budgets and are sticking by them. What happens when it's the middle of the month and you're already near out of money?

For me, the going out to eat budget is never enough. The last couple weeks are usually a scrounge for change or lunchtime deals. One way I make it through is to bring my lunch to work. If I bring leftovers and have them ready in the fridge, I will not go out and pick up something else. Another way we all can save or spend wisely is to eat or drink at home. My family usually has at least one "must-go" lunch or dinner each month. We pull out all the possible leftover and meal combinations possible and have basically a "free" meal.

Instead of finding more food, find more funds. Maybe reconsider if you actually need new health and beauty products or if you could make it through till next month. If you're a hardcore budgeted this wouldn't be your best bet. Cleaning out your car, desk, and junk drawers can lead to finding lost money or giftcards. 

Don't worry. You'll make it through. There are only two weeks left. 

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