Saturday, April 30, 2016

May Net Worth

April was a pretty lax month on here, but maybe you already noticed that. This month has definitely been busy and rewarding. I'll catch everyone up right away.

  • I got the promotion I have been working toward. I am now a "permanent" employee. I have benefits and paid time off. I also got a small raise. 
  • I have been in contact with a financial planner and talked about my financial life plan. I have purchased some term life insurance, but he also suggested to put some into a fund that will have a 5.6% dividend pay out. That is what I've heard on multiple FI sites, and it peaked my interest. I would have gone all in and only done option two, but it would cost too much to dedicate consistently. 
  • I paid off another $1,000 on my student loans. I'm so stoked that I've paid off over $10,000 since last July and $4,000 this year. I'm on track to hit my goal for this year. 
  • I increased my 401k contribution to 3%, which is at the top of my employer match plan. My slight raise allowed me to still make an extra $10 per paycheck. 

Overall, I am still in the negative at -56,610.25 Net Worth. My financial planner said I'm doing pretty well for myself, which was nice to hear. I am +880.63 from last month. That difference keeps me moving forward. I am rethinking my debt strategy and will update more on that shortly. 

Saturday, April 2, 2016

April Net Worth

March was another month for paying off debt. I had another smaller tax return check, so that is sitting in the loan pay off account waiting to grow and be put toward another payment. Hopefully I can make another one in April. I’m currently at a -57490.88 net worth. I have paid off $2527.22 so far this year, so that’s averaging $842.41/month debt reduction. If I can stay on that pace, I will hit my goal.  

I know that I’ve been posting less lately. It’s tough to keep it on the forefront of my mind. I’m still paying attention to my spending and putting all I can toward debt, but I know I think about it less. Maybe that’s good. Hopefully it shows I’ve learned some tricks and tips. I’d like to be on auto pilot, but I know paying off $10,000 this year is a lofty goal. For now, I’m focusing on my career and my family. I even wrote a blog post for our company website. You guys are my first audience, but there’s always room for growth.