Sunday, July 9, 2017

July Networth

We're still headed in the right direction. 

This month I go on a much needed vacation. At first, I said I wouldn't travel while working on this debt. Now - I'm so ready for some time off. I've been covering for a teammate and need to recharge. I've already budgeted for and paid for the hotels. I'm splitting most of the costs with a friend, so that helps a lot. I've saved funds from the last paycheck and will again from this paycheck. Ideally, I would like to stay under a total of $700 for the trip. I may go over a bit due to my travel partner wanting more of a higher rated hotel than I needed. 

I'm sitting at -$34,869.29. That's better than last month and still moving forward. I am looking at how I can crush this debt as quickly as possible. 

Let's get this done! 

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