Friday, June 3, 2016

Cracks in the Plan

On my way to work one day this week, a bigger rock flew out of a dump truck and right at my window. It didn't seem to make too bad of a crack, so I was hoping I could get a tool and fix it. Nope. I went back out at lunch and it had spread across the front of the car to about a foot total.

I called my insurance and the deductible is $500, so I didn't submit a claim. Then I called the area auto glass people to get quotes. I waited to hear back and mentioned to my mom about the price. We called a more local place and got it down another $20. I ended up spending about $220 on a new windshield. It sucked. No lies there, but what was good is that it came right out of my auto fund. I'll be putting money back into it as soon as I can. 

The whole week of work my new teammates are asking me, “Why don't you just move closer?" When things like cracks or bad weather happen I really consider it, but then when I hear about someone paying $800 a month for their apartment I remember why. 

I'll keep my car repairs and free rent. Thank you very much. 

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