Friday, March 17, 2017

Living on one Paycheck

Have you ever looked at Pinterest for something besides Whole30 recipes and new crafts? My "feed" is flooded with budget tips, cupcakes, and bullet journaling - even though I never crack open a journal.
I really enjoy searching for new debt free journey tips and trackers.  It's nice to see other people are on my journey. Time after time I see stories of people who "paid off $45,000 of debt in two months" or "how I made $20,000 on my blog last month". Honestly, those make me scoff. They likely aren't real or not like my situation.
I keep seeing another topic on the order of "how to live off one income". I think - HEY THAT'S ME! But then I realize that they're talking about how families do it with only one parent working.
Still. It's a concept I can kind of go with. Right now, with raises and such my goal is to live off half my income.
Half of my income goes to my food, drinks, insurance, fun, miscellaneous, auto loan payment, and one of my student loan payments. The other half goes towards my target for my debt avalanche. Lately some of the other area has been coming over - so it's a work in progress.
So here's me - successfully living on one paycheck!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Extra Cash - New Dryer

I'm very fortunate to work for a company that gives out a yearly bonus, if we make our company goals. I also had a relatively large tax refund this year.

I've been smart and put some toward savings and some right away toward my loans. This bonus though surprised me a little. It's the first time I've ever gotten one. I asked my mom her thoughts and she said that something always comes up that it needs to go toward. She said it always seems that the food needs fixing or a tire blows.

My Granny has been wanting a new washer for a while now. (It has rust on the front - so I can't blame her.) She's using her refund for it, so I've decided to put part of my bonus toward it and help her out. She does to much for me and deserves every penny of help.

Really this is why I want to pay off my debt. To help my family out even more. To give us the stability and strength we deserve.